Integrate once with Agave API, and become integrated with many systems of record in construction.
❶Sign up |
Sign up and get an API key.
❷Use Agave SDK |
Develop your application in any language using Agave SDKs and Open API. Node.js
and more...
❸Add Agave Link |
Add a login component to your application with a few lines of code.
An easy way to connect data from many systems of record to your application via Agave Link
We only support mock accounts at the moment, please try again.
In production, Agave initiates an OAuth authentication workflow in a separate window — skipped in demo.
Check out our documentation for more details.
Using Agave leads to leaner, cleaner code that enables your developers to spend more time focusing on your company's core functionality, instead of managing complexity from multiple integrations.
Adding integrations unlocks sales and improves retention. But Construction tech is fragmented and siloed, and integrations are complex to develop and maintain.
It can take months to integrate with one system, and hours each week having to monitor and maintain these integrations.
function getRFI() {
// Custom pivot logic by vendor, each taking time to integrate and test
switch(user.platform) {
case 'procore':
// Procore-specific API endpoints
const options = {
method: 'GET',
url: `${}/rfis/${}`,
headers: {Authorization: user.token.procore}
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
if (error || response.error || response.code !== 200) {
// Procore-specific error handling
// Procore-specific data mapping logic
return {
assignee: body.assignee.login,
question: body.questions[0].plain_text_body,
answer: body.questions[0].answers[0].plain_text_body,
status: body.status,
case 'plangrid':
// PlanGrid-specific API endpoints
// PlanGrid-specific error handling
// PlanGrid-specific data mapping logic
case 'bim360':
// BIM 360-specific API endpoints
// BIM 360-specific error handling
// BIM 360-specific data mapping logic
Integrate once with Agave API, get many integrations.
Launch new integrations in days (not months).
Agave lets you read and write data from many systems of record in construction, unblocking sales and expanding retention of your customers.
function getRFI(user, rfi) {
// No pivoting logic
const options = {
method: 'GET',
url: `${}`,
headers: {Authorization: user.token}
// No data mapping needed
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) {
// Handle the error once
return body;